Harmony Psychiatric, LLC

Patient Information

Here are some links to useful information for patients in the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program.

Can Cannabis help treat Covid-19 and save lives.   Here’s what the science says but we still need the research.  Cannabis and Covid-19: The Endocannabinoid System to the Rescue!

The Nurse Practitioner has published a review I wrote describing the neurobiological processes involved in PTSD and explaining why Cannabis is the only medication that’s effective for treating PTSD. http://journals.lww.com/tnpj/Fulltext/2016/01000/Cannabis_for_posttraumatic_stress_disorder__A.6.aspx

New Mexico Medical Cannabis program homepage:  http://nmhealth.org/about/mcp/svcs/

Phytecs presents an unparalleled explaination of the endocannabinoid system by some of the World’s leading experts on endocannabinoid function: http://www.phytecs.com

Greenflower Media is an excellent resource for patients wanting both general and specific information about Medical Cannabis http://greenflowermedia.com

Leafy offers a guide to cannabinoid profiles with different strains that help offer patients guidance in strain selection: https://www.leafly.com

Pubmed is a database of peer reviewed medical and scientific research from the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health (try typing in “cannabinoid” or “cannabis” with any disease you are interested in, or limit your search to full text reviews): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

Patients Out of Time has been a leader in educating the medical profession about Medical Cannabis and since the year 2000, they have hosted Medical Conferences across the country featuring the World’s leading experts on Medical Cannabis. http://www.medicalcannabis.com

The American Cannabis Nurses Association is advancing Cannabis Nursing practice through advocacy, collaboration, education, research and policy development.


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